After the incredible success of our February event in Dudley two years running, we are thrilled to announce that the Summit is heading to Manchester (National Football Museum) and London (The Mermaid) this November. Join us as we dive into the future of affordable housing, delivering safe, smart, sustainable homes for social housing residents. The Switchee Summit is your chance to connect with industry leaders and innovators, all working together to tackle pressing challenges like fuel poverty, damp and mould, decarbonisation, and resident engagement. This free, one-day, in-person event aims to bring the social housing sector together for a day of collaboration and inspiration - register today to secure your place at a Switchee Summit, near you.

Switchee Summit, February 2024

Key topics for 2024

Decarbonisation / SHDF
Awaab's Law
Damp and mould
Resident wellbeing

2024 speakers include:

Agenda: Switchee Summit, February 2024

Join the conversation #SwitcheeSummit


Switchee Summit in the news

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