Damp and mould: The big picture

September 5, 2023

Headline Report

Delivered by NCRC at Trafford Hall Housing Plus Academy

Sponsored by Switchee

05 September 2023: On 12 -13 June 2023, representatives from social housing providers, charities, professional bodies, and residents came together to discuss how to tackle damp and mould. The 24-hour Think Tank was undertaken in a spirit of ‘mutual inquiry’ and amicable exchange of ideas, to share good practice and develop a cross sector understanding of damp and mould, its impacts, and how it can be tackled holistically.

Representatives from Switchee were in attendance alongside Gavin Smart, CEO at the Chartered Institute of Housing and Rebecca Reed, Head of Housing Insight and Development at the Housing Ombudsman.

Download the report

There is no single solution to tackling the damp and mould crisis, it is a multifaceted, intensive process that cannot be tackled in a silo. Avoiding damp and mould, and being proactive in your approach, is better than dealing with damp and mould. There are measures that will bring about more efficient, more effective resolutions against damp and mould, and ways to be more proactive in managing damp and mould in the long term.

The headline report details a comprehensive list of damp and mould solutions which include:

  • Early treatment
  • Buildings first approach
  • Holistic case management
  • Internal condition monitoring
  • Data-driven strategies
  • 'Finding your silence'
  • Making every visit count
  • Assessing priorities
  • Resident engagement
  • Retrofit as a long-term solution

Download the full Housing Plus Academy Headline Report - Damp and Mould: The Big Picture

About NCRC and HPA

Following each event (Think Tanks and Workshops), Housing Plus Academy produce a headline report detailing the most important and key points to come out of the discussions and sessions. These headlines are shared with participants, but also more widely with policymakers, government, and professional housing bodies. You can find all of the headline reports for Housing Plus Academy events here.

About NCRC:
Since 1995, the National Communities Resource Centre (NCRC) has existed to empower local people to create positive change where they live and beyond. Our Trafford Hall home provides a place for people with different backgrounds to come together as equals and solve problems facing their communities. There is a seat at our table for everyone, with participants at our events sharing their experiences, learning new skills, and forging connections that help create vital change for communities in stress. We have organised, supported, and hosted many events and workshops run by housing associations, charities, community groups, and public/Government organisations alike. The work of NCRC also provides essential support to families under pressure, and young people looking to build their confidence, skills and resilience.

About the Housing Plus and Energy Plus Academies:
Through our partnership with the London School of Economics, we deliver the Housing Plus and Energy Plus Academies. These are a series of think-tank events designed to tackle some of the key issues affecting low-income communities, like welfare reform, financial pressure, climate change and energy saving. Discussions from these events guide our research, creating briefings that influence high-level stakeholders to drive change.

For more information about partnering with Switchee to combat damp and mould in your housing portfolio, contact our team today.

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