Aspire Housing invests in Switchee technology to evidence energy efficiency

May 11, 2023

Social housing innovator, Switchee, has won a contract with Aspire Housing to retrofit Switchee smart thermostat devices within 44 properties in Newcastle-under-Lyme. The devices are being installed this winter as part of an initial evaluation project running for the next 18 months to capture and analyse data over two winters. 

Aspire has approximately 9,500 properties across Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford and Cheshire. The project will help Aspire to improve property performance, particularly heat retention, and identify where houses may be at risk of damp and mould.

Aspire has funding for PAS 2035 accreditation for retrofits so the Switchee devices will help to prove how effective its energy saving initiatives have been. The results of this initial project will form a blueprint for future energy efficiency decisions across its entire portfolio of properties.

Alice Kirkham, Head of Assets and Sustainability at Aspire Housing says: “We are currently implementing a range of energy saving measures for our customers and Switchee will help us evidence how these are working. It will help our asset management, customer care and sustainability teams identify what more can be done to reduce maintenance, improve property thermal efficiency and highlight where there might be fuel poverty issues, particularly over the winter months.”

Tom Robins, CEO of Switchee says: “Aspire Housing is looking at a holistic solution for its housing stock. When different teams are involved from the outset, we can take an enterprise level approach that delivers value across the business for the digital, asset management, quality and sustainability teams.

“The insight gained from our smart thermostats provides an opportunity for Aspire to find out what further improvements can be made, not just for retrofits but also when planning for new builds.”

Alice Kirkham concludes: “Our entire business is onboard. Although it’s a small project initially, the results will be extremely informative and help form future housing development and improvement strategy as well as benefiting our customers.” 

To learn more about how Switchee is helping housing associations and local authorities manage their properties, communicate with their residents and remotely protect their assets, contact our team today.

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