Hat-trick hero Switchee nets three new business wins

July 25, 2023
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01 August 2023: Switchee has recently established new partnerships with three housing providers and celebrated the collaboration at Housing 2023, the Chartered Institute of Housing’s annual conference and Europe’s largest housing festival. 

Switchee is a technology company providing real-time data-driven insights for housing providers – all with the aim of further supporting their ongoing commitment to identify homes at risk of condensation, damp and mould and flag potential fuel poverty.

Switchee agreed over 2,000 orders of its smart devices with housing providers Thirteen Group, Citizen and Haig Housing. Thirteen’s initial order of 1,000 devices is just the beginning, with a full stock roll-out to its 35,000 properties from North Tyneside to Yorkshire to take place over time. Whilst Haig Housing, has made the decision to implement Switchee across their full housing stock portfolio.

Specifically designed for housing providers, data from the Switchee smart device delivers real-time actionable insights to its dashboard software, including identifying mould risk, flagging potential fuel poverty, heat loss rate, and identifying overheating or under heating of a property.

Paul Jenkins, Executive Director of Assets at Thirteen Group, commented: “We’re excited by our partnership with Switchee and the data and insights its smart device will give us. It will help us to better understand the condition of our homes, which is of paramount importance to us. We believe the Switchee smart device will open doors to new, valuable information and really support the way in which we invest in and improve our homes.” 

Bridget Guilfoyle, Director of Assets at Citizen, said “We’re looking forward to developing our partnership with Switchee, rolling out monitors across our homes. Being able to monitor data and respond quickly means we can make well-informed decisions about how to support our customers and take preventative action at a customers’ first point of contact.”

Dan Gatenby, Sustainability Manager at Haig Housing, commented “A key plank of our strategy is to improve understanding & monitoring of our properties. We intend to start an ambitious roll out programme of smart monitors, installed and operated by Switchee. This move is a potential game-changer, as it will for the first time provide us with accurate, objective and real time data about the home environment.”

“Michael Gove and the Housing Ombudsman have been very public in their criticism of the social housing sector in recent times,” says Tom Robins, Switchee CEO. “A lot of that stems from inaction in dealing with the very issues our technology helps to address. We’re proud to be empowering landlords and housing providers – like Thirteen, Citizen and Haig – to take proactive action and, ultimately, improve resident wellbeing. 

“We see new partnerships like these as just the beginning and further evidence of growing recognition within the sector of the issues it needs to urgently address.”

This hat-trick of new partnerships increases Switchee’s breadth of coverage in all four corners of the country, contributing to its overarching mission of helping housing providers to save their residents money and prevent escalating issues around damp, mould and fuel poverty.

Switchee CEO, Tom Robins is pictured at Switchee’s stand at this year’s Housing 2023 with Paul Jenkins, Executive Director of Assets at Thirteen Group, Bridget Guilfoyle, Director of Assets at Citizen and Dan Gatenby, Sustainability Manager at Haig Housing.

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